Our TOS!!!


Please read fully before commissioning :>

-18+ only UNLESS your parent/gaurdion are alright with spending thousands on a luxury item, only to risk you growing out of it, AND the parent/gaurdion will have to do the entire transaction, because it's illegal for minors to enter a contract (which a commission is)

-NO copywrited/trademarked characters for legal reasons

-the crafter owns cats and dogs, and currently makes these in their room, so we cannot garrantee that cat/dog fur will not be in contact with the faux fur and may cause allergic reactions


-currently we only accept paypal for payments

-payment will have to be paid by 6 months, or you may lose your spot, payment plans will be 1/2 upfront, and minimum payment of USD$100 per payment

-monthly or bi-monthly payment plans available

-100% payment is required before work is started


-if you decide that you want a refund the 50% deposit is non refundable and will not be paid back, as it pays for labor

-full refunds are not available once work has started, refunds will vary based on work completed

Shipping Policies

-client is responsible for all shipping and customs fees

-shipping will only be charged at the end of the commission because of changing shipping prices


-we will not accept hard deadlines, though we will try to work with your needs

-the estimated turnarounds will be provided on commission based on other orders and workload

-typically will take 12-24 months currently

Repairs and warranty

-all suits and custom orders include a 90-day warranty. If there is an issue with your item simply ship it back and repairs/alterations will be made. Client is responsible for shipping fees but repairs/alterations will be free of charge.

-after warranty expires, all repairs/alterations are subject to fees that varies based on how much work needs to be done

-WASH ALL ITEMS BEFORE SHIPPING THEM!! no one likes having to work on smelly sweatsoaked fursuit parts. it's just unpleasent and unhygienic to work on them when unwashed, there are care instructions on this website to properly care for your suit, and client will be subject to cleaning fees if a suit is unwashed based on severity!

-If there are minor repairs(such as a popped seam) needed but you do not wish to ship the item back please contact us and we can send tutorials or walk you through how to repair it yourself!


under construction, awaiting for questions